The Warrior Women
Women are, I am, angry: Sputtering, spitting, seething, seeing red, screaming angry. Many of those early events so commonly experienced in our lives -- ones we thought we had gotten over, learned to live with, moved beyond, buried in our memories -- are now revealed, explored on the daily news, fresh on the faces of yet another generation of women. The collective remembering of personal affronts, pay discrepancies, disrespect, abuse, coercion, rape and violence, has now become an open discussion. Better yet, we started suing, talking loudly about and not forgetting past and current injury, holding the line between right and wrong, placing the shame where it squarely belongs.
Many of us are no longer making excuses for men or giving leeway in hopes not alienating those in power, to avoid rocking the boat, or just “playing nice.” It is time to rock the damned boat; hell, sink it!