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Political Allies and Foils

Sculpted figure 122 Betsy

#122 BETSY

Porcelain and B-mix clay.

Stoneware glaze, Johnston’s flashing slip #2..  ∆10-11, heavy reduction, natural gas.

21" x 12.5"

Sculpted figure 125A RBG

#125a RBG 

Porcelain and B-mix clay.

Red iron oxide wash, Oconee River slip with wood ash, Lau shino.

∆10-11, heavy reduction, natural gas.

18" x 11"


Sculpted figure 128 Susan

#128 SUSAN

Porcelain and B-mix clay.

Johnston's flashing slip, stoneware

glaze, soda ash, Mal shino.

∆10-11, heavy reduction, natural gas.

20" x 12"

Sculpted figure 130 Nancy

#130 NANCY

Porcelain and B-mix clay.

Stoneware glaze, Lau shino, 

Johnston's flashing slip.

∆10-11, heavy reduction, natural gas.

22" x 12"


Sculpted figure 275 Sandra


B-mix with grog.

Lau shino, red oxide, orange

crystal, McCurley's green black.

∆10-11,  heavy reduction, natural gas.

20" x 10" x 10"

279 Sonia HH.jpg

#279 SONIA

B-mix with grog.

Zack Black, Luna Creek Bank,

McCurley's green  black, soda ash.

∆10-11, heavy reduction, natural gas.

20" x 11" x 14"


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